Bond It FS4 Fireshield AC Intumescent Sealant
Bond It FS4 Fireshield AC Intumescent Sealant

Intumescent acoustic acrylic sealant and adhesive with a decibel rating of 55dBA. When subjected to heat the sealant swells (intumesces) to provide an inert barrier to smoke and flames. It has non-slumping and rapid skinning properties.
Conforms to BSEN 140 pt 3; BSEN 20140 sealed. &BS476 pt 20.
Viscous paste, hardening by evaporation of water to a plastic/ elastic solid
Non flammable
Specific Gravity:
1.59 - 1.63
7.9 - 8.3
Solubility (water):
Miscible when uncured
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