ProForm® Lite Blue LID
ProForm® Lite Blue LID

Lightweight Joint Compound
Success should never be a struggle. At National Gypsum, we develop products that are easy to use and perform to the highest standards. We created our ProForm® BRAND Lite Blue joint compound to help you get an easy, professional finish. So after you apply ProForm® BRAND Lite Blue and your final skim coat, you’ll have a smooth and consistent surface, ready for priming and painting.
ProForm® BRAND Lite-Blue Joint Compound is a vinyl base ready mix lightweight joint compound. Approximately 30% lighter than conventional ready mix, Lite-Blue Joint Compound pulls and sands easier, pocks less and reduces shrinkage by up to 33%.
Basic Uses
Lite-Blue is designed for use in finishing gypsum board joints, spotting fasteners and finishing cornerbead.

Lightweight: approximately 30% lighter than conventional ProForm Joint Compound
Reduced shrinkage: up to 33% less shrinkage than conventional joint compound
Superior finish: provides a finish with less pocking and pin holing
Ready to use right from container after mixing

Easier pull: spreads easier for quick application
Finishes metal beads with two coats
Excellent sanding characteristics
Low VOC content - less than 2 grams/litre