Bond It Raptile Emergency Repair Tape
Bond It Raptile Emergency Repair Tape

A self-fusing, silicone emergency repair tape.
A self-fusing, silicone repair product with infinite uses. Resists fuels, oil, acids, solvents, salt water, road salt and UV rays.For repairing leaks on plumbing and hoses in a flash. It can be used to insulate electrical wiring and it can withstand a constant working temperature of 200°C. Simply stretch and wrap for permanent seal. 3 metres long.
Application: Suitable for emergency hose repair, pipe and plumbing repair, electrical insulation, wiring harnesses, corrosion protection, sealing connections & fittings, waterproofing, rigging applications, whipping rope ends, emergency O-rings and seals, tool handles and grips and much more!

Permanent seal
Waterproof - airtight
Pressure resistant up to 8 Bar

Insulates 8,000 volts
Can be applied under wate
Never gets gummy or stick