Tarkett iQ Granit
Tarkett iQ Granit

Hospitals and schools around the world put their trust in the multi-room versatility, cost-saving, durability and unique maintenance properties of iQ Granit.
iQ Granit is the ideal choice where performance and design matter, making it perfect for reception areas, corridors and zones where durability and a wide range of colours for endless creativity are key.
What the experts have to say

Extensive 62 reference colour range, including a 12 low contrasting pattern colours (iQ Granit Micro) and 20 acoustic colours
Unique dry-buffing surface restoration technology
Best return on investment with less than 3 years payback - lower maintenance cost than other solutions
Flexible handling for perfect coving and watertight finish

Multi solution surfaces including specialty floors for specific applications
100 % recyclable
Low TVOC <10 μg/m3: 100 times lower than the strictest standard in Europe
Extreme durability with restorable appearance and technical performance for life