To the lay person, tiling does not appear that complicated. It’s easy to imagine it is simply a matter of sticking tiles onto a wall with the correct adhesive. They understand the role of tile backer boards. And that is why so many DIY tile jobs result in disaster. A professional tiler knows that there are many keys to creating a bathroom or kitchen that looks as great in ten years as it does when complete. A lay person could easily think the only big decisions are what type of tile and what type of adhesive to use. An experience professional knows better.
The best tiles and the most durable adhesive won’t hold up properly without the right tile backer boards. Placing tiles directly on a wall in a wet room such as a bathroom or kitchen is not doing to last well. The problem is that tiles can shift. The grout between them can flex, allowing moisture to ingress behind the tile. If the surface behind the tile is ordinary wall, it will start to rot and slowly become more damaged over time. Fixing tiles to appropriate tile backer boards prevents that problem.

Benefits of Fibre Cement Tile Backer Boards
- Fibre cement tile backer boards are comprised of a mix of cement and glass, creating a durable, hard surface that resists moisture.
- Fibre cement boards are easier to handle than cement tile backers because they are lighter and easier to cut.
- Permabase Cement Board, a fibre cement product, can be cut with an ordinary utility knife. This is important because many areas where tile is installed have pipes to work around.
- Permabase’s fibre cement backer boards also feature a double-wrapped edge for better fastening and are resistant to mould and mildew.
The difference between a tiling project with suitable backer boards and one without becomes more obvious over time. Anyone can slap up some nice new tiles that look great initially. But for a quality job that stands the test of time, it is essential to use the right materials. And fibre cement is an excellent option because it combines good water resistance with ease of handling. People hire experienced professionals for exactly this kind of difference. They want their shower or kitchen backsplash to look beautiful for many years to come.