Nullifire FB770 Intudeck – Timber Floor Upgrade
Nullifire FB770 Intudeck – Timber Floor Upgrade

FB770 Intudeck – Timber Floor Upgrade
FB770 Intudeck is a rock mineral fibre board coated on one side with a smoke and fire resistant sealant. Light weight and quick to install, FB770 can be cut to suit on site and fitted using compression and FS702 Intumastic bonding between joists.
Ideal where decorative ceilings cannot be disturbed or accessed due to lower floor occupancy. FB770 may be used to upgrade the compartment capability to 90 minutes fire integrity and insulation (EI 90) whilst maintaining the load capability of the floor. FB770 is often used above ornate lathe and plaster ceilings within heritage homes but is also suitable for use in small units such as flats above shopping facilities or multi-occupancy building conversions. In conjunction with other Nullifire products, FB770 is service receiving and can accommodate both combustible and non-combustible services. Please consult CPG UK Technical Service for further details.
Always read SDS, pre-application guidance and relevant application detail prior to application. Ensure the latest ocuments are downloaded prior to every project commencement.
FB770 has been tested in a loaded robust floor detail, using a joist size of 196 x 45 mm. This joist size may be increased without assessment, but not reduced. For joist reduction, a structural engineer will be required. • FB770 has also been tested in a nonloaded robust floor detail, using a joist size of 160 x 48 mm. This joist size may be increased without assessment, but not reduced. For joist reduction, a structural engineer will be required. • This product should not be in direct contact with CPVC pipes; FS719 HP Blue for CPVC should be used on the full depth of the FB770 Intudeck, to the correct annular space. • If used around Pegler X-Press Carbon Steel pipes, the pipe manufacturer should be consulted and their recommendations followed.
Safety data sheet must be read and understood before use.

Tested to BS EN 1365-2 (loaded floors), BS 476 Pts 20-22 (non loaded floors) and to BS EN 1366-3 (service penetrations): up to EI 90
Simple installation method.
Does not disturb ceilings or damage ornate coving.
40 dB acoustic performance, 79 dB impact sound performance.
OptifireTM unique traceability identifier.
Optifire® unique traceability identifier.