Nullifire FS709 HP Intumescent Sealant
Nullifire FS709 HP Intumescent Sealant

FS709 HP Intumescent Sealant
FS709 HP is a high expansion/pressure exerting, graphite intumescent sealant that expands when exposed to fire, reinstating the fire performance of compartment walls and floors which have been penetrated with services. FS709 can be used on flexible walls & rigid walls (100 mm or wider), rigid floors (150 mm or wider), and also with FB750 Intubatt Coated Batts.

Up to 4 hours fire resistance - Tested to EN 1366-3 and EN 1366-4.
Versatile & easy to apply.
Can be used with FB750 Intubatt Coated Batt.
Tested with combustible pipes up to 125 mm, insulated non-combustible pipes up to 160 mm, cables, cable trays/ladders/baskets (up to 500 mm), cable bundles (up to 100 mm).
Tested in openings up to 600 x 600 mm.
Tested for use in linear gaps up to 25 mm.
Optifire®+ unique traceability identifier.