Tarkett Tapiflex Excellence 65
Tarkett Tapiflex Excellence 65

Tapiflex Excellence 65: acoustic version for higher comfort and shock absorption. Inspired by the latest design trends, the Excellence collection brings you the widest combination of over 117 colours and wood designs for endless creativity. It is the all-inclusive solution for the comfort and resistance of any heavy traffic areas in education, aged care and offices.
What the experts have to say

87 all-over colours and 30 wood decors fully adapted for timeless designs
Unique long-plank woods with new matt finish for authentic aspect (R10)
Fully coordinated wall, stairs and accessibility accessories
Excellent resistance with TopClean XP™ surface treatment

Good balance between indentation best measured value 0.08mm and sound reduction average value: 19dB / sonority class A
Low TVOC < 10 μg/m3: 100 times lower than the strictest standard in Europe
All decors also available in compact version: Acczent Excellence 80