Roofing Membranes Setting Trends for Synthetic Roofing Systems for over 40 Years
The RENOLIT roofing brand today stands for technical excellence, modern design and a partnership-based service
RENOLIT products create the ideal conditions for innovative solutions in many industries and are used for a broad range of applications – from everyday consumer goods to the latest developments in science and technology.
RENOLIT products in the construction sector give creative freedom to architects and developers in designing outdoor installations, roofs, canopies, window frames, façades and swimming pools. They are equally important where reliability is essential – in dam construction and in civil engineering as well as in medical and pharmaceutical applications, such as blood bags and infusion systems.
Technical Excellence
Innovative Solutions
Modern Design
Partnership-Based Service

The ALKORPLAN range consists of thermoplastic PVC-P roofing membranes.
These have been used throughout the World for almost 40 years waterproofing all building types from individual dwellings to complete commercial centres, for both new build and refurbishment projects.
The advantages of RENOLIT
Economies on the installation costs: one single 30 m2 roll replaces
6 bituminous rolls in a 2 layer system.
No naked flame during installation.
Fire retardant membrane.
Adaptable to most roof substrates.
A broad colour range.
Integrity of the seams.
Vapour permeability.
Static and dynamic perforation resistance.
Life expectancy assessed by the BBA (British Board of
Agrément) as in excess of 30 years.
PVC can be recycled and be reintroduced into the
production process in order to preserve valuable