Passive Fire Protection
About Nullifire
Nullifire has always innovated. Since 1992, it has been a pioneer in water based coating technology and remains so today. Recently the SC900 series has been introduced, a fast track intumescent coating that can be applied quicker, at lower temperatures and in higher humidity, saving up to 60% on application and drying time.
Behind Nullifire stands a unique team of technical experts with years of experience to support with the specification and installation of the products. Their testing methods are rigorous with facilities that are second to none. Everything is focused on providing what customers need at every stage of their project – smart protection.

Prevention is better than curing – this motto applies not only to healthcare, but also to building planning.
Fire protection starts right from the planning of a building. Just as with screening examinations for humans when they are babies or infants, the cornerstone for future well-being is also laid at an early stage when constructing buildings. Requirements in terms of fire protection are developed, structural fire protection provisions taken into account and then concepts for fire prevention and protection worked out. This also involves analysis of the fire and smoke behaviour of building materials, along with the fire resistance time of building components.
When it comes to preventive care for the building Laydex Building Solutions provides the right products for successful fire protection: for example, intumescent coatings ensure building components have higher resistances. These so-called intumescents foam up when there is a major heat impact and thus ensure protection against combustion. The structure of the building component is therefore preserved. Building safety is increased and human life protected.